Tordenskjold matches
A bag I found in Denmark to write a shopping list on had two verses of a song about Tordenskjold. He was a Norwegian nobleman and flag officer who spent his career in the service of the Royal Danish-Norwegian Navy. He rose to the rank of vice-admiral for his services in the Great Northern war.
Match box size in cm 7 x 5 x 2.5
A bag I found in Denmark to write a shopping list on had two verses of a song about Tordenskjold. He was a Norwegian nobleman and flag officer who spent his career in the service of the Royal Danish-Norwegian Navy. He rose to the rank of vice-admiral for his services in the Great Northern war.
Match box size in cm 7 x 5 x 2.5
A bag I found in Denmark to write a shopping list on had two verses of a song about Tordenskjold. He was a Norwegian nobleman and flag officer who spent his career in the service of the Royal Danish-Norwegian Navy. He rose to the rank of vice-admiral for his services in the Great Northern war.
Match box size in cm 7 x 5 x 2.5