
Syltetøj, a word for jam in Danish means literally preservation clothes, not sure of the derivation of this . Preserving for me is a big part of my daily life, not just preserving fresh produce so that it has a longer shelf life but preserving clothes and furniiture and where possible finding an alternative use for something so it has a continued use, rather disposing of and buying new. I have been found rescuing something from a skip or bin as I feel there is always can be more made of what others may feel is fit for the bin

The art of visible mending has lengthened the use of knitwear and in the wearing, modelling the individual preservation of an item of clothing. I am becoming more inclined to visibly mend furniture, using as much of the original material and making a feature of the wear a good piece of furniture has had. I have found coffee sacks make a good part of upholstery where a chair gets particular wear and tear. This can be seen in the upholstered items in the shop.

Not looking my best having had altercations with a wasp whilst picking blackcurrants!

Jams, bottled fruit and vegetables, salting, pickling and chutneys are timely now as there will be a glut of fruit and vegetables from the garden or vegetable shares with such a wet and warm summer. I would like to share the recipe for piccalilli. 2lb mixed vegetables, 2 oz salt, 1lb vinegar, 15 chillies, 8oz sugar, 2oz mustard, 1oz turmeric, 2 level teaspoons of cornflour ( Maizena, if in dk)

Cut into small pieces a variety of vegetables place in a large earthenware bowl and sprinkle with salt, leaving for 24 hours, then drain. Boil the vinegar, I prefer to use cider vinegar, with the chillies for a couple of minutes. Allow to stand for an hour and strain the vinegar. Mix together the sugar, mustard, turmeric and cornflour and blend with a little of the cooled vinegar, bring the remainder of the vinegar back to to the boil, pour over the blend and return to saucepan and boil for 3 minutes. Remove from heat and fold in the vegetables packing into prepared jars and cover at once with vinegar-proof covers.

Mrs Beeton’s Cookery and Household Management


smiling egg and shower bun


Smørebrød on the beach